Highway One is continually seeking excellent original or restored automobiles. We buy, sell, and consign every sort of sports, luxury, and special interest car. If you have a special interest car for sale, please call and let us see if we can help you expedite the process.

Although we are pursuing all makes and models of specialty cars, there are some more desired than others. The following list contains cars for which we are, or represent immediate cash buyers. Color schemes are secondary to condition. As always, we are looking for rust-free cars in excellent original, or professionally restored condition.

At the moment, we are actively seeking the following cars:

1958 Chevrolet Corvette

MBZ 280SE Cab
1968-1970 Mercedes-Benz 280SE Cabriolet

1968-1971 Mercedes-Benz 280SL Roadster

1956-1962 MGA Roadster

1962-1974 MGB Roadster

Porsche 356
1949-1965 Porsche 356 Coupe

Porsche 912 Targa
1966-1969 Porsche 912 Targa

In addition to these cars, we are always looking for Mercedes-Benz 230-280SL, Porsche 356 SC & Speedster, Porsche 911 & 912 (to '73), and Jaguar XK series cars.

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1035 California Drive
Burlingame, California 94010
United States of America
Phone: 650.342.7340
FAX: 650.343.0150
E-Mail: Del@highwayone.com
Copyright 1999 Highway One